The magic of waves kissing the shore, fresh island flora & beachside bliss. Ocean, plumeria, coconut, grapefruit & lemongrass are perfect for keeping your car or room smelling amazing. 🌸
Fun Fact: the oils in our Betty Blend are used in aromatherapy to help calm the mind, relieve stress and anxiety and are natural mood lifters!
1. Screw off the cap
2. Open clear seal
3. Screw the cap back on
4. Enjoy!
BACK STORY: Donna got the whole team at HQ involved in creating this signature Betty scent in early 2020 to make our first candle. We had some of the blend left over, so we added it to our hand sanitizer people were using at the shop to make it a more pleasant experience. Our customers were constantly like, "Ooh! That smells pretty!" ... yes it does, and now so do they.